Consulting Services

As management system consultants, we bring our expertise and experience to assist clients in developing, implementing, and enhancing their management systems. Our consulting services encompass a broad range of areas, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 20000, ISO 27001, ISO 22301, ISO 45001, GDPR, Privacy, HIPAA, PCI/DSS, SOC, COBIT , and more.

We work closely with clients to understand their specific needs and objectives, conducting comprehensive assessments of their existing systems and identifying areas for improvement. Based on our findings, we provide tailored recommendations and assist in designing and implementing effective management frameworks.

Our role involves guiding clients through each step of the process, from documentation development and process mapping to training, internal auditing, and performance measurement. We prioritize collaboration and engagement with key stakeholders, ensuring that the management system aligns with organizational goals and fosters a culture of continuous improvement. By leveraging our expertise, clients can benefit from streamlined processes, enhanced operational efficiency, risk mitigation, and improved customer satisfaction.

ISO 9001 ISO 17025 Cyber Essential, ECC-1-2018
ISO 14001 ISO 50001 SOC2
ISO 20000 COBIT ISO 27701

Benefits of using consulting services

Some of the benefits of using management system implementation consulting services for your organization are as follows:

Quick Implementation

Management consulting services bring expertise and experience in ISO implementation, enabling organizations to expedite the process. Consultants provide a structured approach, guidance, and resources to accelerate the implementation timeline, ensuring a swift and efficient adoption of ISO standards.

Financial Benefit

Management system consulting services for ISO implementation can help organizations identify opportunities for cost savings by streamlining processes, eliminating redundancies, and improving resource utilization Through efficiency, organizations can achieve long-term cost savings and improve their financial performance.

Enhanced Performance

Through management consulting services, organizations can enhance their overall performance by aligning processes, systems, and practices with ISO standards. The implementation of best practices, provide training, establish performance metrics, monitoring  and, improved efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction.

How can we help you? Contact us today!

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Successfully implemented ISO 27001 standard in organization and got organization certified from international certification body. Thank you for your help.

Pratap Konda
Head HR, Tripod Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Implementation Approach

Our implementation strategy is based on a phased approach:

Project kickoff meeting, management briefing, Scope fine tune and finalization. Approach discussion and finalization. Project team identification and assignment.

Review current state by reviewing policies, processes, procedures, templates and other documents. Review evidence of compliance. Check reporting and performance trends.

Guide and advice project team for creation of documents including policies, processes, procedures, templates, checklists, metrics, reporting etc. Help implementing everything mentioned above.

Conduct post implementation review to identify gaps in implementation. Enforce implementation and conduct additional review where required to ensure 100% compliance.

Certification authority conducts audit or assessment of implementation and provides certificate upon satisfaction of all requirements.

We are ready!